Friday, July 12, 2013


Hi!  Thanks for stopping by my brand new blog!  My name is McEachern and this blogging thing is completely new to me, so bear with me!  I've been thinking about blogging for a while now, but I just got the courage to do it.  I came across some bloggers through Pinterest over the last few years and started following their blogs by email.  I quickly realized how great everyone's resources are on TPT and started following them there as well.  I joined the iPhone world in December and started following bloggers on Instagram, which led me to a whole new world of bloggers.  I love seeing everyones pictures and reading about what they do with their students.  As an outsider, the teacher blogging world seemed like a little family!  I loved it and I wanted to be a part of it.  So here I am starting this blog and I have no idea what I'm doing!

A little bit about me...I graduated in December with a degree in Early Childhood Education.  I started subbing the first day back in January and stayed very, very busy.  Like subbing every single day busy!  I loved going to new schools to see what they were like so I subbed at as many schools as I could.  In February I took a long term sub job that lasted until the middle of May.  I was subbing for an itinerant teacher so I traveled to 9 different schools every week.  I loved being at SO many schools in my district!  After I finished that I went back to subbing wherever I could.  When the school year ended, I started working as a teacher at a summer camp in my school district and I'll be doing that until August 2.  So basically I haven't had a break from school yet, but I LOVE it!  I've been applying and interviewing for jobs since I graduated.  Finding a job has been THE most stressful thing ever.  My district is just now starting to hire for next year.  I've had 4 interviews and one next week.  I'm still waiting to hear back from 2 of the 4 interviews.  My district is just really competitive so I'm trying to be patient.  I'll keep y'all updated on how things are going.

Anyway, back to telling y'all about myself.  I have the most AMAZING parents.  My mom is a teacher and super crafty.  The crafty gene must skip a generation because I am not crafty at all :(  My dad is hilarious and the sweetest man you'll ever meet.  I have a younger brother who just turned 20.  The baby of the family is our King Charles Spaniel named Tucker.  She is the most adorable dog and she is treated like a princess (by my parents).  We live on a river so I love spending time on our dock and out in the boat.  I'm an alumna of Phi Mu and I miss my sisters so much now that I'm back home and not in college.  I also miss my sweet boyfriend, Ross, who lives upstate where I went to school.

This is my family!  My brother is taller than my dad!

This is Ross and me before one of my sorority sisters' wedding!

I'm sorry for the super long post.  I'm just trying to get started!  Thank you so much for stopping by!  I'd love any tips and/or tricks about blogging!  And of course about teaching in general.  I'm a pretty fast learner so hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon!


  1. Good luck on the job hunt!! I know how stressful it is... I've been huntin' since November when we moved to our new city & state (from Ohio to Alabama)... couldn't officially "apply" until June, though, because that's when the state FINALLY gave me my new license!

    I hope you find your forever home!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

    1. Thank you so much! I've been looking since November too hoping to find something right after graduation. The subbing ended up being great though! I couldn't imagine looking in a totally different state! I was just over at your blog reading through your "About Me". I LOVE PLL too and I have a dog named Tucker! I love all of your resources and I look forward to following you on your job hunt! Thank you so much for following and good luck!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's good to find someone who's going through the same job hunt as I am! I can relate to you because you said you graduated in December and subbed the rest of the school year...exactly what I did! :D Are there any jobs posted in your area? There are NONE posted in the district I want to work in...however I was told just the other day that they should be posted this week :) Good luck on your job search! I'm following your blog. Can't wait to hear more about your job hunt and first year of teaching...because you WILL have a job when school starts! Positivity! :D Take care.

  3. I know!! That's why I was so excited to find your blog! There are a good many posted in my district and I've applied and emailed the principals for every single one of them. The problem is that none of the principals respond to emails or me taking my resume to them. The only principals I've heard from are the ones I've interviewed with, which is five. I'm also cleared to interview in another district in my area and have done the same thing with them, but still no responses. It's just SO competitive in my city. I'm competing with the teachers with continuing contracts as well. Thank you for following! I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to this new blog journey! Good luck on your hunt as well and I'll be keeping up with you! Thanks so much!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's always nice to meet new Palmetto state bloggers! Good luck in your job hunt. I know it must be hard. If you need anything you can email me at I'll be glad to help out if I can. We have a Boykin Spaniel named Bella in our family. She's perfectly rotten!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. Thanks so much! Did I read somewhere that you're in Berkeley county? I'm in Charleston county! I've heard wonderful things about BCSD and I've been looking there too! I have lots of friends who teach there and they love it! Thank you so much for following!

    1. Yes, I'm right next door in Berkeley County!

  6. Welcome to the blogging world! I hope your journey in finding a job are a huge success. My fingers and toes are crossed for you! I look forward to reading about more of your teaching adventures!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! Thank you for following and I look forward to blogging about my new and exciting experiences!

  7. Hi McEachern!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I enjoyed reading yours and getting to know you a little :) This is definitely a new adventure and I am excited that you are starting it too! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    ♡ Lori

    ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree Blog ♥

    ✎ Owl in a Vowel Tree TPT ✎

    1. Thank you so much for following! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog! I love your blog and everything you post on Instagram!

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway! I wish you lots of luck finding a job you love! Keep posting! :)

  9. Hi! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Come over to my blog to read about it!

    1. Thank you so much!! I'm so honored! I can't wait to read about the Liebster Award!
